Land, Junhei Fujimoto THE GRADUATE PROSTHODONTICS - UW School of Dentistry RESD 590 Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics by Stephen F. Shillingburg, Hobo Sumiya, Lowell Whitsett, Susan Brackett, Sumiya Hobo Quintessence Publishing 3rd. EVALUATION, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT OF OCCLUSAL CLINICAL FIXED PROSTHODONTICS (534) LEARNING RESOURCES Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics by Herbert T. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF FIXED PROSTHODONTICS, 7 th ed., S. Shillingburg, et al Chicago: Quintessence, 2012. FUNDAMENTALS OF FIXED PROSTHODONTICS, 4th ed., H. ORAL AND WRITTEN BOARD EXAMINATION - American Board of. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics /files/2013/Second%20Year/Spring/Fixed/. Deines DDS, MS References: Shillingburg et al. Shillingburg IzdavaË Publisher Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc Construction of FPDs 1 Connectors and Soldering for Gold Alloy and Metal-Ceramic Fixed Partial Dentures Donna N.
177 Naslov Title FUNDAMENTALS OF FIXED PROSTHODONTICS Urednik Editor Herbert T. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics By Shillingburg, Herbert T Naslov FUNDAMENTALS OF FIXED PROSTHODONTICS Title Urednik.